Half banana
JoinedPosts by Half banana
by AndersonsInfo inif i told you that something bigger is on the horizon than dateline, bbc, cbc, sunday (australia), and all other tv programs which exposed the sexual child abuse cover-up by watchtower in 2002-2003, would you believe me?
have i ever misled you?
i'll answer that--no!
Half banana
D+Restart, like to give details and references? -
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
Dropoff, I recall from reading in the first Guinness book of records that the life expectancy in Mali in the mid nineteen fifties was twenty seven.
Worse still, in 1850 the life expectancy of a male in Liverpool England was a mere seventeen years due to the immigration of hungry and unemployed Irish during the time of the potato famine............... Long live the National Health Service!
Notsure, that's possible today (with an unhealthy bit of determination from the mother!)
But again, why imagine that folk tales are true accounts?
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
No historical evidence for bronze age men living to 500yrs old?
by purrpurr inthe bible tells us that noah etc lived to 500yrs old as did many other characters who lived apparently to incredible years.. yet archaeological research tells us from looking at skeletons that have been dug up that the average lifespan was very short.
if a man got to the age of 50 they would have considered that quite an achievement.
when i was in i always wondered about this?
Half banana
Purr purr, the Bible is just a collection of folk tales which has been used to beat religious people over the head with.
How do we know how old a person was at death?
The wear on the teeth from the time when a lot of gritty matter was chewed is a good immediate reckoner for death age. Teeth could be completely worn down to the gums by forty years old back in the Bronze Age. Also taking note of the sort of life they led such as highly developed muscle attachment points on the bones indicating heavy manual labour or in the absence of such development, it would tell of a passive and possibly elite lifestyle. Joint wear indicating arthritis was commonly found but not on the very young but universal in the aged. So taking this background information firstly then for the forensic archaeologist, the skull becomes the focus.
As we age, right from birth our skull which is made up of five bony plates, is constantly closing up and smoothing over until about fifty years old. (It never fully fuses). A new born has the fontanelle pulsing on the top of its head which closes within eighteen months but the fine meandering fissures joining the plates of the skull, called sutures, seal up at a recognized rate giving the age of death. For example the saggital suture along the top of the skull behind the fontanelle will usually close up at 29 years old in a healthy person.
In the cemetries of Egypt in the Greek controlled city of Alexandria in the third century CE, there have come painted portraits of the deceased, lots of them. I have twice seen an exhibition of these and was greatly struck by the early deaths in each case and these were people who were not peasants and Alexandria was at the time the greatest and most advanced cosmopolitan city in the world. Mid to late twenties was a common age for death with no one older than early forties as I recall.
Hyperbole (pronounced hy Per bo lee) or gross exaggeration, is a literary device in ancient story telling which would account for the absurd ages of the heroes of old.
Don't take the Bible literally!
The New World , Utopian or Dystopian?
by BluesBrother inlike many others on here i was raised and spent many years of my life looking forward to , and basing my life around the anticipated "new world" .this utopian paradise would "satisfy the desire of every living thing".
we would enjoy eternal youth in perfect health,have abundant good food ,comfortable homes ,even welcome our parents and forebears back from the dead - what's not to like?i found this description of a dystopian world on the net :"characteristics of a dystopian society• propaganda is used to control the citizens of society.• information, independent thought, and freedom are restricted.• a figurehead or concept is worshipped by the citizens of the society.• citizens are perceived to be under constant surveillance.• citizens have a fear of the outside world.• citizens live in a dehumanized state.• the natural world is banished and distrusted.• citizens conform to uniform expectations.
individuality and dissent are bad.• the society is an illusion of a perfect utopian world."hmm.
Half banana
You can live forever in paradise...yes it is true you can... but only in your imagination!
Underlying all new conversions to the JW beliefs is this hope of perfection. This dream is a very strong incentive to join and remain in the JW org... but like all delusions it cannot materialize.
Utopia after all means 'nowhere' and that is where the ideal new world will ever remain.
The dystopia lies in the present smiley faced “theocracy” of JW org where the members are held in thrall to the deluded leaders by fear and threats to their own disadvantage.
Much, much, much better is to get a good education and learn how to cope with the real world and dreams should be understood to be just dreams methinks.
Watchtower myth: God’s will discerned through committees, not individual leaders
by Londo111 inbe it the governing body, or the a judicial committee of the local elder body, when a two-thirds majority vote is reached, it is viewed as god’s will, as the action of holy spirit, of jesus nudging the stars in his right hand.
[and if i’m not mistaken, the minority is encouraged to change their vote, so that is “unanimous”.
anthony morris alluded to this when he unsuccessfully tried to explain why the governing body is not dogmatic.
Half banana
Yes Londo, perhaps like the camaraderie felt by crooks when successfully executing a crime...Or am I being cynical? -
Awake no.3 praises Dr. Semmelweiss for discovering disease-causing germs
by Anders Andersen inin awake!
3 2016, an article on dr. semmelweis states:.
semmelweis was eventually recognized as one of the fathers of the modern antiseptic technique.
Half banana
Or your lives or ANYTHING for that matter.
I wonder why they didn't mention the 1931 Awake (Golden Age?) on their disbelief in germs?
The first known graffiti making fun of Christians
by fulltimestudent inwhat was the graffiti artist intending when he/she scratched this cartoon like drawing on the wall of a building that served as a training school for imperial guards and personal attendants in the imperial palace area of rome.
it is known as the alexamenos graffito.. .
our interest may focus on the crucified figure, but as a tracing of the drawing makes a little clearer - there's another figure of interest, a young male whose gestures indicate that he's praying, and the crudely written text says: .
Half banana
FTS, there is a reference to this somewhere in The Jesus Mysteries. More reference might be found in Art and Death in Imperial Rome and Christian Triumph, OUP, 1998. Also J Toynbee, Death and Burial in the Roman World, Ithaca, Cornell University press 1971. My favourite source for early Christianity is JM Roberstson, A Short History of Christianity. Watts and Co. second edition 1937. Robertson uses sociology to describe the religious habits of the worshippers and leaves us with a distinct impression of various pagan christ-cults competing for survival, totally at odds with the modern notion of divine attention given to one small group in the first century.
The early Jesus cult did adopt certain symbols such as the fish but then this was also found in the pagan christ cults (Pythagoreans and sacred geometry).The real cultural distinctions between pagan christs, notably Dionysus and Mithras and the Jesus cults were defined only after the Roman Church adopted the religion of Constantine in his thrust for unifying all religion. This took place in the first quarter of the fourth century followed by imperial edicts proscribing any other form of Christ to be worshipped and subsequently by careful destruction of evidence for the pagan origins of Roman Christianity; the one universal Catholic Church from which all protestant belief has later come. And I like to point out this includes JW beliefs.
Precisely what Roman 'religio' was in the second century would be useful to define.
Evolution is a Fact #36 - Mass Extinctions
by cofty in250 million years ago a plume of molten basalt gushed up from the earth's core.
it erupted in an area now known as the siberian traps - back then it was part of the supercontinent pangaea.
a curtain of lava a mile high and hundreds of miles long lit up the sky.
Half banana
I incline to Smiddy’s point that the benighted creationist or JW hasn’t got a clue as to the reality of the geological record and therefore have little chance of interpreting it. (How could any geologist be a creationist?)
The Watchtower, in trying to defend its own fairyland vision of reality has decreed that radiometric dating is false and that you can’t trust either science or scientists and that the Bible is the only authority etc. Poor JWs simply do not know which way is up, they are beginning to look like simpletons.
However this does not stop us imparting the facts as you are doing so well. Your post makes it apparent to me is that we are the children of chance. We happen to be alive, albeit fleetingly, when Earth can support human life and amazingly we have only recently developed an awareness of ourselves as sentient animals, able to know and describe our planet's dynamic past and also the present universe... and hazard a guess at the likely future.
Life is precious as Louis Armstrong sang, “It’s a wonderful world”, unless that is, your brain has been contaminated by Watchtower or creationist propaganda.
Why are witnesses all so highly stressed?
by stuckinarut2 inwitnesses are so anxious, stressed, highly strung..... so much for ones who are supposed to be "the happiest people"..... thoughts?.
Half banana
Who wouldn't be highly stressed if they had to live their normal life with a heavy ball and chain attached to their ankle...and on this heavy ball is the JW org logo?